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Deconstructing the Narrative: Rewriting What It Means to Be a Woman


Breaking Free from the Old Story

For generations, women have been given a script—a rigid, limiting set of expectations about how we should look, behave, and define success. This script tells us that we are in competition with each other, that our worth is measured by men’s validation, that our highest calling is to be a wife and mother, and that stepping outside of these roles makes us undesirable, unworthy, or too much.

But what if we stopped playing the part we were assigned and wrote a new story?

It’s time to deconstruct the narratives that have held us back and rewrite them in a way that reflects our true selves—women who are powerful, autonomous, and deeply connected to one another.

Competition: Women Are Not Your Rivals

One of the most damaging lies we’ve been told is that other women are our competition. Whether it’s for a man’s attention, career success, or social status, we’ve been conditioned to see each other as threats rather than allies.

How This Shows Up:

  • Judging other women’s choices, appearances, or lifestyles

  • Feeling envious of another woman’s success instead of inspired

  • Viewing friendships as transactional rather than as deep, supportive bonds

Rewriting the Narrative: Celebrate other women’s achievements without comparison. Another woman’s success does not diminish your own. Be intentional about supporting women in your circles—whether it’s through encouragement, sharing opportunities, or simply listening without judgment. Build friendships that prioritize trust and authenticity over competition and status.

Unlearning the Need for Male Approval

Many of us have been conditioned to seek validation from men—whether it’s through approval of our appearance, behavior, or life choices. Internalized misogyny runs deep, and it often manifests in ways we don’t even recognize.

How This Shows Up:

  • Feeling the need to downplay intelligence or opinions to be ‘more likable’

  • Seeking male validation to feel attractive or worthy

  • Being overly critical of women who reject traditional gender roles

Rewriting the Narrative: Your worth is not defined by how desirable men find you. You are already whole. Challenge internalized beliefs that make you prioritize male perspectives over your own intuition and desires. Support women who defy traditional roles rather than judging them for choosing differently.

Valuing Ourselves Beyond Wife & Mother Roles

While being a wife and mother can be fulfilling roles, they are not the only ways women can live meaningful lives. Yet, society often measures our success by these milestones, making women feel unaccomplished or ‘behind’ if they take a different path.

How This Shows Up:

  • Feeling pressure to marry or have children by a certain age

  • Experiencing guilt for prioritizing a career or personal goals

  • Struggling with identity if life doesn’t follow the ‘traditional’ path

Rewriting the Narrative: Your value is not determined by your marital status or whether you have children. Success is self-defined—whether it’s through career, creativity, personal growth, or relationships. Women’s lives have always been more than just their roles in the home; history has simply erased those stories. Let’s reclaim them.

Embracing Sexuality Without Shame

For centuries, women’s sexuality has been controlled, shamed, and policed. Purity culture tells us that a woman’s worth is tied to her sexual history, that her body exists for male pleasure, and that embracing her own desires makes her immoral.

How This Shows Up:

  • Feeling shame about sexual expression, pleasure, or body image

  • Judging women who are open about their sexuality

  • Believing myths about female desire being ‘less important’ than male desire

Rewriting the Narrative: Your sexuality belongs to you. Not to men, not to societal expectations, not to anyone else. Desire is natural, and expressing it does not diminish your worth. Let go of shame around your body and pleasure—both are yours to experience fully.

The Myth of “Too Much” and “Not Enough”

Women are constantly told they are either too much or not enough. Too loud, too opinionated, too independent—or not pretty enough, not maternal enough, not likable enough.

How This Shows Up:

  • Apologizing for taking up space or having strong opinions

  • Feeling pressure to shrink yourself in social or professional settings

  • Doubting your worth because you don’t fit into a narrow definition of femininity

Rewriting the Narrative: You are not too much or not enough—you are exactly as you should be. Confidence is not arrogance, and self-expression is not attention-seeking. The only approval you need is your own.

Becoming the Author of Your Own Story

If we continue to live by the rules of the past, we will never fully step into our power. But the truth is—those rules were never meant to serve us. They were meant to keep us small.

So what happens when we stop following them? What happens when we choose to write a new story—one where women are allies, where we are whole without external validation, where we embrace our sexuality and our autonomy, where we are always enough?

That’s the world we are creating together. And it starts now.

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