I recently saw a video post of a younger son asking his mother what she would say to differently-aged versions of herself and it inspired me. While I enjoy the idea of living a no-regrets lifestyle, I think it is those missteps and missed opportunities that teach us and guide our future decisions in our best interest. Hindsight allows us to bestow wisdom onto our friends and loved ones, especially our younger people. My daughters can attest to the fact that I spent many hours regaling them with stories of my youthful shenanigans and their consequences.
This is a great journaling exercise, too, if you want to join me. The question is simple:
What would the you of today tell the you of your past at ...
Age 10: Choose your friends more carefully. Your kindness, compassion, and generosity pour out easily and some will take advantage.

Age 14: Live in your girlhood a little longer. Don't be concerned with boys, bodies, or what your peers are doing. Be brave, don't worry about looking silly, and recognize how amazing you are because you don't see it clearly enough, yet.
Age 20: Say no when he proposes. I don't believe that this in any way discounts my love for the daughters I had in my marriage. I believe that the souls of our children find us regardless of the science of it all and my girls would've come along at some point had I not said yes to him.
Age 30: Don't label yourself and don't fall into the traps of societal stereotypes. You are so much bigger and brighter than your circumstances. Own your power and courage. It is going to be hard, but the sacrifices are worth it when you remember that you saved not only yourself but three little girls from a lifetime of pain and sadness. It's all going to work out.
Age 40: Keep leaning into new knowledge. Stay curious. Unlearn nearly everything, and replace it with truths and practices that stitch you back together in a way that empowers you and connects you more deeply with yourself and humanity. Embrace authenticity.

And, that's where I am today. Five years later, I am still learning ( I don't plan to ever stop). I am my most self-aware and most optimistic about the future. Life does life things and I roll with the punches when they come. I've had a lot of big punches in this life and they started early! I just handle them better now. My peace nearly tops the list of priorities and comes before lots of things I used to think were more important. Nothing is perfect, and life is beautiful. Even in its darkness, even when there's pain, it's still beautiful.
I love that so many of you allow me to be a small part of yours. XOXO
I enjoyed this Q&A with myself a lot! I hope some of you will do it for yourselves, as well.
Leave me a comment if you do and let me know what you think or feel about it. Thanks!