A mind map is basically a visual brainstorming exercise; it’s a creative way to put your goals and life down on paper in a way that will inspire you, bring clarity, and also help you stay on track. A mind map can be done in several different ways, but I’m sharing my favorite way with you.
You don’t need to be artistic in any way to do these simple, organized steps. You’re welcome to cut pictures out of magazines, use photos, and shapes. Colors are needed for the different categories, and this is the best set of felt tip markers I’ve found. I use them every day.
For now, this mind map is a great starting point and one I've used frequently.
The purpose of this exercise is to help you see your life visually. It can help you identify the areas that are balanced or unbalanced and allow you to add goals with clarity and action steps. To bring balance into your life, it’s important to use this map for all four body systems: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Mental – this is your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs.

Physical – health and the body, as well as anything on the physical level, such as finances, home, car, etc.
Emotional – this is your emotions and relationships.
Spiritual – a connection to a higher power or however you define that, also the world and others, as well as our spiritual life.
Step 1. Get a piece of paper. I like to use a sketchpad, such as this one.
Step 2. Draw four circles. Inside each circle, you will write one of the four above-mentioned body systems.
Step 3. Off each circle, draw straight lines, sort of like the spokes of a bicycle tire.
Step 4. On each spoke, write some action you currently take to bring balance, wellness, and wholeness to that body system. Write only one specific thing on each line. For example: On your physical circle, you might write yoga class. Hiking with friends, eating whole foods, or running.
Step 5. Look at the current things you do for each body system. Think of other things you can do to bring more balance and wholeness to that body system. Think of your goals in that area of your life. Some examples are specific financial goals, measurable health goals, or a disciplined spiritual practice.
Take two additional pens of different colors and use one to draw more spokes, and on each of those, add the other action items that you thought of to each body system to bring more wholeness or balance. With the third color, draw spokes off each body system and write your goals for each one.
Don’t overthink it. I recommend starting with three spokes of each color. You can grow it from there. Hang it where you can see it daily. Most importantly, enjoy the journey!